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One of the sexiest words that can be softly muttered into your ear when asking what’s on the daily dinner menu.


If you’re one of many in the population, you’ll likely be filled with flashbacks and forced to re-live the traumatising night which saw you nearly drown yourself in between each bite at your grandma’s dinner table whilst trying to politely plough through her dry and barren meatloaf.

Thankfully you’re not only about to put a stop to your grandchildren ever having to experience the nightmare that accompanies that vicious family meatloaf recipe forcibly passed down through the generations but you may have also just stumbled upon a new weekly favourite.

My quinoa, beef and zucchini meatloaf is gluten free and made with less than ten ingredients. A friendly lunch or dinner meal that will leave you feeling good, it’s great for weekly lunches alongside being a versatile sandwich filling substitute. Packed full of protein thanks to the lean beef mince and quinoa, it also acts as a master of disguise to help reach that recommended vegetable intake you may have been struggling of late to meet.

If you enjoyed making the dish, drop me a comment below. Better yet, let me know if you managed to brainstorm a sexier name for a historically less-than-sexy dish.

Sorry meatloaf but some things will never change.

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Quinoa, beef and zucchini meatloaf.

¾ cup quinoa, uncooked
2 zuchinni, grated
2 carrots, grated
1 tbsp smoked paprika
3 tsp garlic, crushed
1 large egg, lightly whisked
800g lean beef mince
50g cheddar cheese, grated

Step 1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees celsius. Grease the inside of a loaf tin, lining with baking paper.
Step 2. Grate zucchini and carrot, sprinkling lightly with salt. Place in a sieve set over a bowl, leaving to drain for 10 minutes. Squeeze zucchini and carrot firmly to remove excess liquid.
Step 3. Combine quinoa and 2 cups of water in a small saucepan, bringing to a boil. Reduce heat to low and cook for a further 12-15 minutes until the water has evaporated. Ensure the bottom of the saucepan does not burn and allow to cool.
Step 4. Place beef mince, zucchini, carrot, paprika, egg, garlic, cooked quinoa and cheese into a mixing bowl.
Step 5. Mix well until combined and season with salt and pepper.
Step 6. Pour mixture into the loaf tin, firmly pushing down until compact. Garnish the top with a sprinkle of cheese (aka lottssss as nobody hates cheese).
Step 7. Bake for 60 minutes or until juices run clear. Allow to cool in the tin for a further 15 minutes. Pour off juices and serve warm with steamed seasonal vegetables. .

-   Squeezing the carrot and zucchini is vital, otherwise your loaf will be soggy and wet.
-  If you don’t have quinoa, you can replace it with dried breadcrumbs or uncooked oats.
- This dish can be made suitable for those who are dairy free. Simply switch the cheese for a starchy vegetable such as mashed sweet potato.
- Use the meatloaf juices to make homemade gravy. Add the juices to a small frying pan with 1 tbsp of plain flour and stir on low for around 5 minutes until thickened. Season with salt and pepper.